Fractional Laser

What is Fractional Laser?

It is one of the system that affect both upper layer (epidermis) and lower layer (dermis) of the skin. The process of opening micro-channels on the skin occurs without stripping the epidermal tissue through fractional laser and thus, both epidermis and dermis are treated. That these lasers are fractional, meaning that they affect a part of the skin while leaving a part intact constitutes the essence of the mechanism. The intact area creates new skin texture and reduces the damaged and aged part of the skin in every session. Thus, there is tightness and recovery in the upper layer of the skin and it contributes to eliminate the wrinkles and acne scars.

In Which Areas Can Fractional Laser Be Applied?

Acne/pimple scars; Surgical scars; Burn, scar treatment; Skin rejuvenation treatment; Skin fracture treatment; Old age and sunspot treatment; Nevus removal; Verruca treatment

What are the Benefits of Fractional Laser Application?

It provides support for skin tightening, recovery, reducing the wrinkles and scars, reducing the pimple scars, burn and wound treatment, fracture treatment.

Who Should Avoid From Fractional Laser?

It cannot be applied to those who have active wound or infections in the area to be treated and those who are pregnant. It cannot be done in the areas with herpes, those with precancerous skin lesions. The procedure is not performed in the case of the minor with no family member alongside.

What are The Periods and Stages of Fractional Laser?

It takes approximately 10-15 minutes. The device is adjusted according to skin type and application reason. Since the laser may be harmful for the eyes, protective goggles are worn. The process of opening micro-channels on the skin occurs without stripping the epidermal tissue through fractional laser and thus, both epidermis and dermis are treated. Since the tissues surrounding these microchannels are intact and there is no thermal damage, it quickly heals. These very small wounds show effect by contracting and scratching in the collagen fibres as the wounds that occur elsewhere in the body. Then the application is completed by rubbing skin soothing cream and sunscreen cream.

What are the Points to Be Considered Before and After Fractional Laser Application?

It’s recommended to come without makeup to the application. Creams containing glycolic acid should not be used at least 2 weeks before the procedure and skin peeling procedures such as scratching, and peeling should not be done. The skin should not be exposed to the sunlight for 15 days following the application, high-factor sunscreen creams should be used. The skin should not be exposed to water for 24 hours. It should be used moisturizing creams such as bepanten for 1 week. Lying position for the application day is recommended as an angle of 45 degrees due to the complication of oedema. Makeup should not be done for 1 week after application and the skin should not be washed with very hot water. Creams containing glycolic acid should not be used for 2 weeks after the application as before, procedures such as scratching, peeling should not be done.

What Are the Side Effects of Fractional Laser Application?

Redness, burning, stinging pain, oedema, small burns, crusting and sensitization can be seen in the area to be treated. These complications pass within 7-10 days depending on the skin type.